Artwork Services: Let Us Design It For You

Before customers place an order, they often wonder if paying for art services is the right choice, especially when 15 minutes of art time is already included with every order. Below are a few examples of some art concepts. We show you the original, the 15 minute version and the final version with additional art time so you can decide what’s best for you.

Example 1:

As an example, say a customer would come to us with their napkin concept for their bed and breakfast business. We include 15 minutes of art time with every custom order of six garments or more which we spend doing an exact match to the customer's request. In the final picture, you see what our art department would have done with just 15 more minutes of paid art time.

Example 1

Example 2:

Example 2

View Stock Images & Fonts

Some customers prefer to search through fonts and designs on their own to come up with a design. Below is a list of available resources.




Art Specifications

If you are a professional graphic designer looking for more information regarding our artwork specifications, please view our Artwork Specifications page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Typically our artwork services are linked to our printing and embroidery services. However, depending on the project, we may be willing to take on an outside art project.
We include 15 minutes of art time in each project we do which usually includes a quick, custom layout using stock designs and stock fonts. If your needs extend beyond that time, we charge $60 per hour for art with a minimum of $15.00.
It might. We include 15 minutes of art time in each project we do which usually includes a quick, custom layout using stock designs and stock fonts. If your needs extend beyond that time, we charge $60 per hour for art with a minimum of $15.00.
Most of the time a customer will provide a theme or concept for their apparel which we develop after the customer places an order for their products. If you need art created prior to placing an order, we do require payment in advance.
To find out more about our preferred file types, please view our artwork specifications page. If you do not have artwork in the preferred formats, don't worry; we can redraw whatever you need even if you drew the concept on a napkin.