The graphic design software we use is PC (not Mac) based and includes: Adobe Illustrator CS5, Corel Draw X6, and Corel Photo Paint X6
Extension Types:
If your files have an extension (three letter code after the file name) that includes; .eps, .pdf, .ai, or .cdr, you likely have a high quality vector file.
If your files have an extension ending in;
.bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, .psd, or .cpt, you may have a high or low quality raster (pixel based) file. Raster files should be submitted in final print size and no less than 300dpi.
If you used a font in your design, please include it with your art files or convert all of your fonts to curves (outlines) before sending.
Color Separations:
Some services like screen printing require the artwork to have different layers created for each color of your design. Creating each of these colors on a separate layer is called "color separating." This process is necessary when screen printing more than one color.
Color Matching:
Please include all PMS color specifications with your art file if you desire color matching. Additional fees may apply for PMS matching.